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This committee keeps a weather eye to people and organizations in the Chapter area that have made contributions to the promotion of patriotism.  Among the communities, the committee assists in the awards to school U.S. history students and teachers.  They support and promote the patriotism Poster Contest, and urge recognition of individuals, communities and organizations that properly display the ensign, make a mark in Law Enforcement, Fire Prevention, or any other special activity that somehow promotes patriotism in the area.

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CAR / CAR Liaison

Many of the events of the DAR, SAR, or the CAR are jointly supported, and sometimes shared.  For instance, at the annual officer installation banquets, the CAR often provides patriotic skits as part of the program.  The Constitution Week Luncheon is alternately organized by the DAR and the SAR.  To coordinate these joint efforts, the chapter assigns a DAR/CAR coordinator who maintains liaison with leaders of those organizations.

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Flag Display

The chapter recognizes individuals, companies, and government agencies that properly display the national ensign with the SAR Flag Display Certificate.

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A chapter member leads this effort with help, guidance and input from the officers including the Genealogist/Registrar, Secretary, and the chapter webmaster.  Membership is the lifeblood of the organization, and as such, there is a continual effort underway to recruit new members.  As members age, many can no longer actively participate.  Of course today's new young members are usually fully engaged with careers and family, and that frequently precludes participation in most daytime chapter events.  Consequently, the leadership of the chapter has focused on a multi-faceted approach of recruiting, retention, and reinstatement.  Perhaps one of the most effective tools is a widely diverse program agenda for the chapter.  The chapter has many activities on weekends, holidays, as well as its scheduled monthly membership and Board meetings.  The Chapter has been fortunate through the efforts of several to get talented speakers at meetings and special events.  All new members are encouraged to attend a meeting as soon as they gain membership in the SAR. At that inaugural meeting the chapter president recognizes and welcomes the new member, and presents the new compatriot with his SAR Rosette, and a copy of the Guidon manual.

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The Nominating Committee consists of five members to be appointed by the President each year, of which number at least two (2) shall be Past Presidents of the Chapter and the remainder shall be selected from the Board. The Committee member most recently assuming the status of Past President shall serve as Chairman. The Committee nominates a Voting Member for each of the following offices: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Genealogist, Chaplain, Historian, Chancellor, Color Guard Captain, Sergeant‐at‐Arms, and four (4) members of a new class of the Board of Management.

Veterans & Military Service Affairs

Service to veterans and to armed service members is a key objective of the SAR.  A chapter member has the accountability to coordinate the Chapter's efforts in this area.  This includes such things as helping run bingo games at VA hospitals, and securing Color Guard participation in Veteran's Day parades and memorial events.  The Chapter provides books to VA hospital libraries and donates to the USO activities in the Delaware Valley.

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Philadelphia Continental Chapter Student & Teacher Awards

These awards are given to outstanding students of U.S. history, and to outstanding teachers of U.S. history, in the chapter-wide area.  These awards were inaugurated by the Philadelphia Continental Chapter.  Subsequently, other chapters have adopted the program, and many schools take part.  As many as 70 high schools are solicited for candidates.  The subcommittee chair is always in need of help to present the awards in the Spring of each year.

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Webmaster Committee

The Chapter has a Webmaster who works diligently to continually update and upgrade the Chapter website. The Chapter webpages are sources of current and historical information. The Chapter website is a good place to find out what is going on and check the Chapter calendars for upcoming Chapter and Color Guard activities.  The Webmaster depends on the other Committee Chairs and Officers of the Chapter to keep the website relevant and useful to the memberships and larger community.

©2025 by Philadelphia Continental Chapter - SAR.

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