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Youth Programs

Eagle Scout Scholarship Award

Chairman: Mark E. Burt
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Mark Burt presents Certificate of Commendation to Melissa Pendill, Troop 19 Chester County Council.  Looking on is Camille Bergmaier, leader of the Troop 19 Court of Honor.

The Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship​

For many years the SAR has recognized the many common bonds of purpose and principles shared by the SAR and the Boy Scouts of America. You young men achieving the rank of Eagle Scout have demonstrated your belief in those common principles.


This is your invitation to participate in this recognition and scholarship program.  There are three levels at which you might receive recognition and/or monetary awards.


  1. Local Chapter - Many local chapters of the SAR present certificates, medals, and in some cases, cash awards, to the winners of competition within a chapter territory or a local Boy Scout Council area.

  2. State - Each state, and the District of Columbia, selects a winner who receives a handsome Eagle Trophy.  Many states present a cash award as well.

  3. National - State winners’ applications are submitted to the SAR National Eagle Scout Committee which meets in February or March of each year to judge state winner entries, and from them to select the three top National Scholarship winners.


The top winner receives a $10,000 Scholarship award and is brought as our guest to the National SAR Congress, held in June or July each year, where the award is made and the Eagle presents his essay to the assembly.  The first runner-up receives a $6,000 award, and the second runner-up receives $4,000, presented at State Society meetings.


Who may apply

This annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis. Any Eagle Scout is eligible to

apply who is still registered actively in a Scout unit, provided that he does not reach is 19th

birthday in the calendar year of the application.


College plans do not have to be completed in order to receive the cash scholarship. You may

apply in more than one year if you meet the age requirements, but no more than $10,000 total

may be granted to any one Eagle Scout.


Deadlines for Applications (working backwards)

  • Feb 15 - States societies' deadline to submit state-winning entries to the National Chairman.

  • Jan 15 - Within Pennsylvania, individual chapters' deadline to submit entries for the State competition.

  • Dec 15 - Your deadline to complete your application and be received by the Philadelphia Continental Chapter.
    Please send completed applications to the Chapter Chairman.  Hard copies may be sent to:  Mark E. Burt, 516 Oxford Road, Lincoln University, PA  19352; electronic copies may be sent by email to


The application has three parts:

  1. Eagle Scout Application form

  2. Four-Generation Ancestor Chart

  3. 500-word Patriotic Themed Essay




Scholarship Brochure


Eagle Scout Application


Four-Generation Ancestor Chart and Instructions



Additional information is available on the National Society SAR's website, including state SAR contacts, and previous national winners of this award.


For further information about this program, please contact the Chairman of the BSA Eagle Scout Committee:

Mark E. Burt




















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Scoutmaster Mark Burt, circa 1989 - more than half of the scouts became Eagle Scouts!  Mark is still active in Scouting, registered as a Committee Member, Octoraro District, Chester County Council.

©2025 by Philadelphia Continental Chapter - SAR.

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