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Patriot Graves

Cemetery Assignments for Placing Flags on Patriot Graves

​Patriot Biographies

- Directions for Completing a Patriot Biography

- Form Used to Submit Patriot Biographies and Updates

- PCC Patriot Biography Statistics (future)

Grave Marking Ceremonies​

- PCC Grave Marking

- SAR Grave Marking Manual from National website

Placing Flags on Patriot Graves

- Cemeteries with locations listed by County - see below

- Number of Patriot burials in all PCCSAR cemeteries: HERE

- Flag Placement Report for Brownbacks Cemetery HERE

- Send pictures of gravesite to PASSAR Webmaster Carl Fletcher  Please click on EXAMPLE.

Update Patriot Graves Listed

- Add graves to PASSAR list (ongoing)

- Add to PCCSAR list for Placing Flags on Patriot Graves

- Make sure we are identifying out-of-state Compatriots who

    have Patriot ancestors buried in PCCSAR counties (future)

Patriot Graves

Joe Stokes  
(610) 696-0803
John F. Mitchell

Ellis Woods Cemetery.jpg

Ellis Woods Cemetery Chester County

Lower Providence 1.jpg
Lower Providence 2.jpg
Lower Providence 3.jpg

Lower Providence PA Graves

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Color Guard 1.JPG
Carson David Forks of Brandywine Lwr.JPG

Forks of the Brandywine Chester County

Augustus Lutheran Church Cemetery, Montgomery County

This committee is constantly attempting to increase our knowledge regarding patriots buried within the four counties which make up the Philadelphia Continental Chapter SAR.


Grave Registration & Flagging

Several years ago, the Chapter launched a project to identify all the graves of Revolutionary War soldiers and other supporters who rendered public or civil service to the Cause in the huge chapter area.  In addition to recording the graves and noting their location, the project entailed capturing all the information in a computer file.  In addition, the chapter around each Memorial Day marks graves of Revolutionary War soldiers and patriots with 13-star "Betsy Ross" flags.  The chapter marks over 1,700 graves with flags in over 160 graveyards from Philadelphia to Oxford to Sellersville. The search effort continues unabated.  This is an activity that benefits from wide member support.  The organization of the effort has been steadily developed and improved to facilitate the task of finding and marking burial sites easier.  The program information is shared with local historical societies and veterans groups.


Cemetery Listings for the following counties


Identified Patriot Graves by County


Other Information

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Timothy Matlack.jpg
Graves 1.jpg
Graves 2.jpg

Col. Timothy Matlack was known for his excellent penmanship and was chosen to inscribe the original United States Declaration of Independence on vellum

©2025 by Philadelphia Continental Chapter - SAR.

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